Jyotish Advance Course

Time duration–  3 months (Batch starting date TO BE ANNOUNCED)

Classes– Weekend Saturday and Sunday 4 PM – 6 PM (IST)

Mode of Teaching– Online. You will have to register for the course with your email id and phone number. The classes will be done through Google meet. The link of the meeting will be shared directly on the given mail id prior to the session and you can join the class through that link. Classes will be taught by me only.

You will also be given access to the Whatsapp group consisting of all the student members. The group will act as a platform for discussion among the students and myself about any of the topics related to the subject matter. It will also be used for communicating any information about class schedule or other things and plans.

In case you miss the classes or join in between then you can get access to the recorded sessions of the live classes whose link will be shared directly on the individual email id only.

If you cannot do the live session on weekends then you can learn the same things taught through recordings of the live classes held previously whose link will be shared directly on the individual email id only. You can learn on your own pace. Recordings will be available for 6 months for access.

Syllabus and Topics Covered in Jyotish Basic Course

  • How to Predict Education/Career/Profession in detail knowing the suitable subject, field, branch in that field, profile, sectors or industries and level of success or growth for the person. Detailed analysis of birth chart and relevant divisional charts and dashas for timing of events.
  • How To Predict Marriage/Relationship knowing the timing of marriage, love/arrange marriage, detailed spouse/partner characteristics, good or bad marital life, etc. Detailed analysis of birth chart and relevant divisional charts and dashas for timing of events.
  • How to Predict family relationships like parents and siblings. Detailed analysis of birth chart and relevant divisional charts and dashas for timing of events.
  • How to Predict the finances, business yogas, favorable investments and wealth. Detailed analysis of birth chart and relevant divisional charts and dashas for timing of events.
  • How to Predict spiritual life, favorable spiritual paths, level of spiritual growth and possibility of self realization. Detailed analysis of birth chart and relevant divisional charts and dashas for timing of events.
  • How to Predict Childbirth. Detailed analysis of birth chart and relevant divisional charts and dashas for timing of events.
  • Detailed analysis of each divisional chart/varga kundli (Navamsha, Dashamsha, Saptamsha, Drekkana, Chaturthamsha, Vimshamsha, Dwadashamsha, etc) for seeing multiple areas of one’s life.
  • How to analyze multiple dasha systems- Vimshottari, Chara dasha and Yogini Dasha.
  • How to analyze planetary transits.
  • Advance Medical Astrology for analyzing all aspects of health, diseases and longevity.
  • Case studies and examples will be referred to explain the topics.

When to take this course

If you have already studied the Jyotish Basic Course then you can take this Jyotish Advance course and if not and you think that you are already quite familiar with astrological basics and fundamentals in detail then only take this advance course. You can refer to the Jyotish basic course syllabus to understand your level of depth in basics and only then opt for this course. If you think that you need your astrology basics to develop properly then opt for Jyotish Basic Course first and then take the Jyotish Advance Course. This course will help you to become very adept in jyotish/astrology in a simple yet quite logical objective way so that you can understand yourself, others and the life better and move forward with best version of yourself.

Fees of the Jyotish Advance Course

The fees of the Jyotish Advance course is $399/- payable in one time. Installment system is not there. No refunds will be done once paid for the course so please think and decide properly and patiently before purchasing the course. You can shift or commence in later batches if you are not able to start in the batch for which you paid the fees.

Will there be any trial or demo classes ?

To see how I teach you can watch my Youtube videos on my Youtube channels @astroedifyhindi and @astroedify. They will act as the reference for my depth of astrological knowledge and my ability to deliver and communicate the knowledge.

Language of the Course

It is mainly done in English.